Thursday, May 17, 2007

SBC Bloggers & the New Baptist Covenant

I was thrilled to read Ben Cole's account of his meeting with President Carter and Bill Underwood regarding the plans for next year's Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant. The BGCM is also actively participating in planning for this event as part of its involvement in the North American Baptist Fellowship. This event will bring together a broad spectrum of Baptists in North America to focus on the issues which Jesus highlighted as the focus of His earthly ministry when He read from Isaiah's scroll in the synagogue at Nazareth. I trust that it will be a dramatic step toward unity among some very diverse groups of Baptists. The visit of these very prominent Southern Baptist bloggers with President Carter and Bill Underwood of Mercer is a significant and encouraging step. May their tribe increase!

1 comment:

Kaylor said...

Gary: I share your excitement about the Celebration and am also glad that the BGCM is a part of this historic gathering. I spent most of yesterday in Atlanta with others planning to make this event the best it can possibly be. Later in the day we got to meet with former President Carter and I was impressed with his desire for this gathering. This is going to be a great demonstration of Baptist unity. I’ve written more about this here.